When to Initiate ART, With Protocol for Rapid Initiation

When to Initiate ART, With Protocol for Rapid Initiation

Purpose of This Guideline

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  • In support of the October 30, 2019, NYSDOH and NYC Health confirmation of rapid ART initiation as the standard of care for HIV treatment in New York, this committee supports rapid, and ideally, same-day initiation of ART in patients newly diagnosed with HIV.
  • In support of the NYSDOH AIDS Institute’s January 2018 call to action for patients newly diagnosed with HIV, this committee stresses the following:
    • Immediate linkage to care is essential for any person diagnosed with HIV.
    • For the person with HIV, antiretroviral therapy (ART) dramatically reduces HIV-related morbidity and mortality.
    • Viral suppression helps to prevent HIV transmission to sex partners of people with HIV and prevents perinatal transmission of HIV.
  • The urgency of ART initiation is even greater if the newly diagnosed patient is pregnant, has acute HIV infection, is ≥50 years of age, or has advanced disease. For these patients, every effort should be made to initiate ART immediately, and ideally, on the same day as diagnosis.
  • All clinical care settings should be prepared, either on-site or with a confirmed referral, to support patients in initiating ART as rapidly as possible after diagnosis.
  • For HIV therapy to be successful over time, the initiation of ART should involve both the selection of the most appropriate regimen and the acceptance of the regimen by the patient, bolstered by education and adherence counseling. All are critical in achieving the goal of durable and complete viral suppression.

This guideline was developed by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) AIDS Institute (AI) for primary care providers and other practitioners to encourage initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the time of HIV diagnosis in ART-naive adults, and ideally, on the same day, or within 72 hours, an approach referred to as “rapid initiation of ART.” The NYSDOH AI January 2018 call to action emphasized the importance of starting ART at the time of HIV diagnosis and promotes scale-up of this approach to treating people newly diagnosed with HIV. The NYSDOH and NYC Health Dear Colleague Letter of October 30, 2019, confirms that initiation of ART on the same day that an individual has a reactive result on an HIV screening test, or is diagnosed with HIV, or on the first clinic visit is the recommended standard of care for HIV treatment in New York. To support the standard of ART initiation upon diagnosis, toward that end, this guideline:

  • Provides guidance for choosing safe and efficacious ART regimens based on known patient characteristics, before results of recommended resistance testing or baseline laboratory testing are available.
  • Identifies antiretroviral regimens to avoid for rapid ART initiation.
  • Provides guidance for recognizing when rapid initiation is not appropriate.
  • Encourages clinicians to seek the assistance of an experienced HIV care provider when managing patients with extensive comorbidities.
  • Integrates current evidence-based clinical recommendations into the healthcare-related implementation strategies of the NYS Ending the Epidemic initiative, which seeks to end the AIDS epidemic in NYS by the end of 2020.
  • Provides guidance on funding sources for sustainable access to ART.

Benefits and Risks of ART

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Benefits and Risks of ART
  • Clinicians should recommend antiretroviral therapy to all patients with HIV infection. (A1)

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) refers to the use of pharmacologic agents that have specific inhibitory effects on HIV replication. The use of fewer than three agents is not recommended for initiating rapid treatment. These agents belong to six distinct classes of drugs: the nucleoside and nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs, NtRTIs), the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), the protease inhibitors (PIs), the fusion inhibitors (FIs), the CCR5 co-receptor antagonists, and the integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTIs). See all commercially available antiretroviral drugs that are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

Rationale for Rapid ART Initiation

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Rationale for Rapid ART Initiation
  • Clinicians should recommend antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all patients with a diagnosis of HIV infection. (A1)
  • Clinicians should offer rapid initiation of ART—preferably on the same day (A1) or within 72 hours—to all individuals who are candidates for rapid ART initiation (see text) and who have:
    • A confirmed HIV diagnosis (A1), or
    • A reactive HIV screening result pending results of a confirmatory HIV test (A2), or
    • Suspected acute HIV infection, i.e., HIV antibody negative and HIV RNA positive (A2).
  • Clinicians should counsel patients with seronegative partners about the reduction of HIV transmission risk after effective ART is initiated and viral suppression is achieved, and should strongly recommend ART for patients with seronegative partners. (A1)
  • Clinicians should evaluate and prepare patients for ART initiation as soon as possible; completion of the following should not delay initiation:
    • Discuss benefits and risks of ART with the patient. (A3)
    • Assess patient readiness. (A3)
    • Identify and ameliorate factors that might interfere with successful adherence to treatment, including inadequate access to medication, inadequate supportive services, psychosocial factors, active substance use, or mental health disorders. (A2)
  • Clinicians should refer patients for supportive services as necessary to address modifiable barriers to adherence. An ongoing plan for coordination of care should be established. (A3)
  • Clinicians should involve patients in the decision-making process regarding initiation of ART and which regimen is most likely to result in adherence. The patient should make the final decision of whether and when to initiate ART. (A3)
  • If the patient understands the benefits of rapid initiation but declines ART, then initiation should be revisited as soon as possible.
  • In patients with advanced HIV (or AIDS), ART should be initiated even if barriers to adherence are present. In these cases, referrals to specialized adherence programs should be made for intensified adherence support. (A2)
  • After ART has been initiated, response to therapy should be monitored by, or in consultation with, a clinician with experience in managing ART. (A2)

The New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) HIV Clinical Guidelines Program and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recommend initiation of ART for all patients with a confirmed HIV diagnosis regardless of their CD4 cell count or viral load, for the benefit of the individual with HIV (reduced morbidity and mortality) Zolopa, et al. 2009; Lundgren, et al. 2015 and to reduce the risk of transmission to others Cohen, et al. 2016. Initiating ART during early HIV infection may improve immunologic recovery (CD4 T cell counts) and reduce the size of the HIV reservoir Jain, et al. 2013; there is also evidence that initiating ART at the time of diagnosis reduces treatment delays and improves retention in care and viral suppression at 12 months Ford, et al. 2018.

  • Rapid ART initiation, the standard of care in New York State, is efficacious, safe, and highly acceptable, with few patients declining the offer of immediate ART.
  • Patients with active substance use, untreated mental health conditions, immigration issues, or unstable housing deserve the highest standard of HIV care, including the option of rapid initiation of ART. Potential barriers to medication adherence and care continuity can be addressed with appropriate counseling and linkage to support services.

Counseling and Education Before Initiating ART

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Lead authors: Asa Radix, MD, MPH, and Noga Shalev, MD, with the Medical Care Criteria Committee; updated August 11, 2022

Counseling and Patient Education
  • Counseling and education should include the following:
    • Basic education about HIV, CD4 cells, viral load, and resistance. (A3)
    • Available treatment options and potential risks and benefits of therapy (see text). (A3)
    • The need for strict adherence to avoid the development of viral drug resistance. (A2)
    • Use of safer-sex practices and avoidance of needle-sharing activity, regardless of viral load, to prevent HIV transmission or superinfection. (A3)
  • Clinicians should involve the patient in the decision-making process regarding initiation of ART. (A3)

Discussion of ART should occur when a positive HIV test result is obtained, regardless of CD4 count. The clinician and patient should discuss the benefits of early ART (see below) and individual factors that may affect the decision to initiate, such as patient readiness or reluctance and adherence barriers. Clinicians should involve the patient in the decision-making process regarding initiation of ART Salzberg Global Seminar 2011. When clinicians and patients engage in shared decision-making, patients are more likely to choose to initiate ART and to achieve an undetectable viral load Beach, et al. 2007. Misconceptions about treatment initiation should be addressed, including the implication that starting ART represents advanced HIV illness or that taking ART may adversely affect therapeutic levels of gender-affirming hormones Braun, et al. 2017. Initiating ART before symptoms occur allows patients to stay healthier and live longer.

The risks and benefits of early ART to discuss with patients when making the decision of whether and when to initiate ART are outlined below. It should be emphasized that the START trial provided definitive evidence that the benefits of early initiation of ART outweigh the potential disadvantages.

Benefits of early ART in asymptomatic patients:
(early therapy = initiation at CD4 counts >500 cells/mm3)

Disadvantages of early ART in asymptomatic patients:

  • Possibility of greater cumulative side effects from ART Volberding and Deeks 2010.
  • Possibility for earlier development of drug resistance and limitation in future Barth, et al. 2012 antiretroviral options if adherence and viral suppression are suboptimal.
  • Possibility for earlier onset of treatment fatigue.
  • Patients who do not have health insurance may qualify for Medicaid or the NYSDOH HIV Uninsured Care Program, which provides access to free health care (HIV drugs, primary care, home care, and the ADAP Plus Insurance Continuation Program, or APIC) for residents who have HIV and are uninsured or underinsured. The program is open Monday-Friday, 8:00AM-5:00PM and can be reached: in state 1-800-542-2437; out-of-state 1-518-459-1641; TDD 1-518-459-0121.If eligible, patients may also consider treatment options through enrollment in clinical trials. A resource that may help with this process is the AIDS Clinical Trials Information Service (1-800-TRIALS-A).

Protocol for Rapid ART Initiation

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Protocol for Rapid ART Initiation
  • To determine whether a patient is a candidate for rapid antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, the clinician should confirm that the individual has any of the following (A1):
    • A reactive point-of-care HIV test result, or confirmed HIV diagnosis, or suspected acute HIV infection, or known HIV infection, and
    • No prior ART (i.e., treatment naive) or limited prior use of antiretroviral medications, and
    • No medical conditions or opportunistic infections that require deferral of rapid ART initiation, including suspected cryptococcal or tuberculous meningitis.
  • Clinicians should perform baseline laboratory testing listed in Box 2: Baseline Laboratory Testing Checklist for all patients who are initiating ART immediately; ART can be started while awaiting laboratory test results. (A3)
Protocol for Rapid ART Initiation
  • For patients with a reactive HIV antibody screening test that is pending confirmation, make sure the patient understands the benefits of rapid ART initiation and the following:
    1. Reactive screening test results are not formally diagnostic, because false-positive results are still possible;
    2. A confirmatory (diagnostic) HIV test will be performed;
    3. ART will be discontinued if the confirmatory test result is negative and continued if it is positive;
    4. The benefit of starting ART early, after a presumptive positive screening test, outweighs the negligible risk of taking ART for a few days and then stopping it if confirmed HIV negative.
  • Provide the result of the confirmatory HIV test as soon as it is available; discontinue ART if the result is negative and reinforce adherence and next steps if it is positive.
  • If a patient declines rapid ART initiation, discuss options for deferred initiation of ART, link the patient with HIV primary care, and outline next steps.

General Principles in Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation

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Lead authors: Asa Radix, MD, MPH, and Noga Shalev, MD, with the Medical Care Criteria Committee; updated August 11, 2022

General Principles in Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation
  • Clinicians should involve their patients when deciding which antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen is most likely to result in adherence. (A3)
  • Before initiating ART, clinicians should:
    • Assess the patient’s prior use of antiretroviral medications, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), which may increase the risk for baseline resistance. (A2)
    • Assess for any comorbidities and chronic coadministered medications that may affect the choice of regimen for initial ART. (A2)
    • At the time of HIV diagnosis, obtain genotypic resistance testing for the protease (A2), reverse transcriptase (A2), and integrase (B2) genes.
    • Ask individuals of childbearing potential about the possibility of pregnancy, their reproductive plans, and their use of contraception. (A3)
  • For ART-naive patients, clinicians should select an initial ART regimen that is preferred; see Table 1: Preferred and Alternative Regimens for Rapid ART Initiation in Nonpregnant Adults. (A1)
  • Clinicians should reinforce medication adherence regularly. (A3)
  • Clinicians should obtain a viral load test 4 weeks after ART initiation to assess the response to therapy. (A3)
General Principles in Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation
  • Follow up within 24 to 48 hours, by telephone or another preferred method, with a patient who has initiated ART to assess medication tolerance and adherence.
  • If feasible, schedule an in-person visit for 7 days after ART initiation.

Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation

The preferred medications for rapid ART initiation are based on the established regimens for individuals who are ART-naive and are restricted to those that can be safely initiated in the absence of readily available baseline laboratory testing results, such as viral load, CD4 count, and HLA-B*5701. The preferred regimens have a high barrier to resistance, are well tolerated, and limit the potential for drug-drug interactions. Initial regimens should be selected on the basis of patient preferences and clinical characteristics, and a preferred regimen should be used whenever possible (see Table 1, below).

The 2-drug ART regimen of dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC) cannot be used for rapid ART because a baseline HIV genotypic resistance profile and hepatitis B virus status are required prior to prescription of this regimen (see the NYSDOH AI guideline Selecting an Initial Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen for more information.)

One alternative regimen (tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine/darunavir/cobicistat [TAF/FTC/DRV/COBI]) has been studied formally in the setting of rapid ART initiation, in a phase 3, open-label, single-arm, prospective, multicenter study without the benefit of resistance testing, and produced high rates (96%) of viral suppression (HIV RNA level <50 copies/mL) at 48 weeks Huhn, et al. 2020.

When following a rapid ART initiation protocol, care providers should avoid regimens containing abacavir because results of HLA-B*5701 testing are not likely to be available. Similarly, rilpivirine should be avoided in any patient who has a viral load >100,000 copies/mL and in any patient whose viral load is unknown.

Efavirenz is associated with a higher risk of central nervous system side effects and of transmitted drug resistance mutations Kagan, et al. 2019; therefore, it is not recommended for rapid ART initiation.

Clinics that have implemented rapid ART initiation frequently design pre-approved regimens that consider local patterns of transmitted drug resistance and drug toxicity Pilcher, et al. 2017.

There is a greater possibility that HIV drug resistance mutations may emerge and reduce the efficacy of an initial ART regimen in patients with a new reactive HIV screening test or a new HIV diagnosis who have taken tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) or tenofovir alafenamide fumarate/emtricitabine (TAF/FTC) as PrEP since their last negative HIV test. Results of a recent study in New York City demonstrated that individuals who had taken PrEP in the 3 months prior to a new HIV diagnosis were significantly more likely than those who never used PrEP (26% vs. 2%; P<.0001) to have resistance mutations (M184I/V/IV/MV) to lamivudine/emtricitabine (3TC/FTC) Misra, et al. 2019. For such patients, the initial regimen should consist of an integrase strand transfer inhibitor plus a boosted protease inhibitor and 2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. An option for treatment in this scenario is provided in Table 1, below. The initial regimen may be simplified once results of baseline genotypic testing have been reviewed.

Preferred and Alternative Regimens for Rapid ART Initiation

Table 1: Preferred and Alternative Regimens for Rapid ART Initiation in Nonpregnant Adults, below, includes initial preferred and alternative regimens for rapid ART initiation in nonpregnant adults. The regimens are listed alphabetically. For specific details on choosing a regimen, see the discussions in other sections of this guideline and the package inserts for the drugs listed below.

Providing ART: Some clinics provide patients with the first dose of ART and a 30-day prescription when a rapid ART initiation protocol is being followed Pilcher, et al. 2017. Others may provide a 7-day ART starter pack or a 30-day prescription.

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  1. The recommendation regarding discussion of the small risk of teratogenicity with DTG in the first trimester and the need for birth control while using DTG has been removed. DTG has been shown to be safe throughout pregnancy. See the MCCC’s statement on Use of Dolutegravir in Individuals of Childbearing Capacity for further discussion Zash, et al. 2022.
Table 1: Preferred and Alternative Regimens for Rapid ART Initiation in Nonpregnant Adults
Regimen Comments Rating
Preferred Regimens
Tenofovir alafenamide/
(TAF 25 mg/FTC/BIC; Biktarvy)
  • Available as a single-tablet formulation, taken once daily.
  • TAF/FTC should not be used in patients with a creatinine clearance (CrCl) <30 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Contains 25 mg of TAF, unboosted.
  • Magnesium- or aluminum-containing antacids may be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after BIC; calcium-containing antacids or iron supplements may be taken simultaneously if taken with food.
Tenofovir alafenamide/
emtricitabine and dolutegravir [a]
(TAF 25 mg/FTC and DTG; Descovy and Tivicay)
  • TAF/FTC should not be used in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Contains 25 mg of TAF, unboosted.
  • Two tablets once daily.
  • Magnesium- or aluminum-containing antacids may be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after DTG; calcium-containing antacids or iron supplements may be taken simultaneously if taken with food.
Tenofovir alafenamide/
(TAF 10 mg/FTC/DRV/COBI; Symtuza)
  • Available as a single-tablet formulation, taken once daily.
  • Contains 10 mg TAF, boosted.
  • TAF/FTC should not be used in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Pay attention to drug-drug interactions.
Regimen for Patients With Exposure to TDF/FTC as PrEP Since Their Last Negative HIV Test
Note: The initial ART regimen may be simplified based on results of genotypic resistance testing.
Dolutegravir and darunavir/cobicistat/
tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine [a]
(DTG/DRV/COBI/TAF 10 mg/FTC; Tivicay and Symtuza)
  • TAF/FTC should not be used in patients with CrCl <30 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Documented DTG resistance after initiation in treatment-naive patients is rare.
  • Magnesium- or aluminum-containing antacids may be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after DTG; calcium-containing antacids or iron supplements may be taken simultaneously if taken with food.
  • Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) may be substituted for TAF; TDF/FTC is available as a single tablet (brand name, Truvada).
  • Lamivudine (3TC) may be substituted for FTC.
  • 3TC/TDF is also available as a single tablet.
Medications to Avoid
  • Abacavir (ABC)
  • Rilpivirine (RPV)
  • Efavirenz (EFV)
  • ABC should be avoided unless a patient is confirmed to be HLA-B*5701 negative.
  • RPV should be administered only in patients confirmed to have a CD4 cell count ≥200 cells/mmand a viral load <100,000 copies/mL.
  • EFV is not as well tolerated as other antiretroviral medications, and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors have higher rates of resistance.

Reducing the risk of perinatal transmission of HIV requires timely identification of HIV infection in a pregnant individual and 3-drug ART initiated as soon as possible after diagnosis. Pregnancy is not a contraindication to rapid ART initiation. Adherence to an ART regimen during pregnancy should be encouraged, as should coordination among HIV and obstetric care providers (see the NYSDOH AI guidance NYS Good Practices to Prevent Perinatal HIV Transmission).

Table 2, below, includes initial preferred regimens for rapid ART initiation in pregnant adults.

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  1. The recommendation regarding discussion of the small risk of teratogenicity with DTG in the first trimester and the need for birth control while using DTG has been removed. DTG has been shown to be safe throughout pregnancy. See the MCCC’s statement on Use of Dolutegravir in Individuals of Childbearing Capacity for further discussion [Zash, et al. 2022].
Table 2: Preferred Regimens for Rapid ART Initiation in Pregnant Adults
See also: DHHS: Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States.
Regimen Comments Rating
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/
emtricitabine and dolutegravir [a]
(TDF/FTC and DTG; Truvada and Tivicay)
  • Should not be initiated during the first trimester (<14 weeks), gestational age measured by last menstrual period.
  • TDF/FTC should not be used in patients with creatinine clearance (CrCl) <50 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Magnesium- or aluminum-containing antacids may be taken 2 hours before or 6 hours after DTG; calcium-containing antacids or iron supplements may be taken simultaneously if taken with food.
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/
emtricitabine and atazanavir and ritonavir
(TDF/FTC and ATV and RTV; Truvada and Reyataz and Norvir)
  • TDF/FTC should not be used in patients with CrCl <50 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Carefully consider drug-drug interactions with RTV.
  • Scleral icterus from benign hyperbilirubinemia due to ATV may be a patient concern.
  • The recommended dose of ATV is 300 mg once daily in the first trimester; the dose increases to 400 mg once daily in the second and third trimesters when used with either TDF or a histamine-2 receptor antagonist.
  • This regimen can be initiated in the first trimester.
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/
emtricitabine and darunavir and ritonavir
(TDF/FTC and DRV/RTV; Truvada and Prezista and Norvir)
  • Twice-daily DRV/RTV dosing (DRV 600 mg plus RTV 100 mg with food) is recommended in pregnancy.
  • TDF/FTC should not be used in patients with CrCl <50 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Twice-daily DRV/RTV dosing (DRV 600 mg plus RTV 100 mg with food) is recommended in pregnancy.
  • Regimen can be initiated in the first trimester.
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate/
emtricitabine and raltegravir
(TDF/FTC and RAL; Truvada and Isentress)
  • RAL 400 mg twice daily is recommended in pregnancy, not once-daily RAL HD.
  • TDF/FTC should not be used in patients with CrCl <50 mL/min; re-evaluate after baseline laboratory testing results are available.
  • Administer as TDF/FTC once daily and RAL 400 mg twice daily.
  • The recommended dose of RAL is 400 mg twice daily without regard to food.
  • This regimen can be initiated in the first trimester.

Rapid ART Initiation Follow-Up

Standard good practice is to follow up by telephone or in-person within 48 hours after a person initiates ART, to assess for adverse effects, answer questions, and encourage adherence. If feasible, based on clinic protocol and individual patient needs, an in-person follow-up visit with a medical care provider is encouraged within 7 days of ART initiation. If an in-person visit is not feasible, then follow-up by telephone is encouraged.

Once laboratory test results are available, ART should be discontinued if an HIV diagnosis is not confirmed. In this case, the patient may be assessed or referred for PrEP if there is ongoing risk of HIV exposure (see the NYSDOH AI guideline PrEP to Prevent HIV and Promote Sexual Health > PrEP for Individuals at Risk of Acquiring HIV). If the HIV diagnosis is confirmed, the ART regimen may be adjusted if necessary (e.g., if there is significant renal disease). Further adjustments may be required if major resistance mutations are found that will compromise the effectiveness of the initial regimen. Arrangements should be made for a viral load test 4 weeks after ART initiation to assess adherence and troubleshoot any problems with maintaining treatment. See the NYSDOH AI guideline Virologic and Immunologic Monitoring in HIV Care for more information.

Paying for Rapid ART Initiation

Lack of insurance coverage for antiretroviral therapy (ART), a high co-pay, or large out-of-pocket costs may pose a significant barrier to rapid ART initiation for some patients. Addressing financial requirements for ART initiation and helping patients identify sources of payment assistance is an essential component of the rapid ART initiation protocol. Options for residents of New York State (NYS), regardless of immigration status, are described below.

For patients who are underinsured or uninsured: The NYS Department of Health Uninsured Care Programs (UCP) provide access to free medications, outpatient primary care, home care, and insurance premium payments for NYS residents who are uninsured or underinsured. Acknowledging the critical need for rapid access to ART, UCP has revised the enrollment process to facilitate same-day enrollment.

NYS residents who do have health insurance but need help with out-of-pocket costs (co-pays, deductibles, etc.) and meet eligibility criteria may be eligible for help from the UCP.

Information for contacting the new enrollment unit is listed below.

  • Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Telephone:
    • In state, toll free: 1-800-542-2437 or 1-844-682-4058
    • Out of state: 1-518-459-1641
    • TDD: 1-518-459-0121
  • Address: Empire Station, P.O. Box 2052, Albany, NY 12220-0052

A care provider must be enrolled as an AIDS Drug Assistance Program Plus provider on the day that services are provided to receive reimbursement. New York State Medicaid Program providers are eligible to enroll in the UCP. To become an enrolled provider, contact the UCP Provider Relations Department at 1-518-459-1641 or email damarys.feliciano@health.ny.gov. Eligible providers will be activated on the date the application is received.

For patients with existing health insurance: People who have insurance coverage may be eligible for medication and co-pay assistance to cover the cost of out-of-pocket expenses.

Special Considerations

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Lead authors: Asa Radix, MD, MPH, and Noga Shalev, MD, with the Medical Care Criteria Committee; updated August 11, 2022

Long-Term Nonprogressors and Elite Controllers
  • Decisions to initiate ART in long-term nonprogressors (A2) and elite controllers (A3) should be individualized.
  • Clinicians should consult with a provider experienced in the management of ART when considering whether to initiate ART in long-term nonprogressors and elite controllers. (A3)
Patients With Acute Opportunistic Infections
  • Clinicians should recommend that patients beginning treatment for acute opportunistic infections (OIs) initiate ART within 2 weeks of OI diagnosis (see next recommendation for exceptions). (A1)
  • Clinicians should not immediately initiate ART in patients with tuberculous meningitis (TB) or cryptococcal meningitis. (A1)
  • Consultation with a clinician with experience in management of ART in the setting of acute OIs is recommended. (A3)
  • For all other manifestations of TB, clinicians should initiate ART in patients with HIV as follows:
    • For patients with CD4 counts ≥50 cells/mm3: as soon as they are tolerating anti-TB therapy and no later than 8 to 12 weeks after initiating anti-TB therapy. (A1)
    • For patients with CD4 counts <50 cells/mm3: within 2 weeks of initiating anti-TB therapy. (A1)
  1. For recommendations on initiating ART in pregnant women with HIV, refer to the DHHS Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States.
  2. Initial ART regimens for patients with chronic hepatitis B must include NRTIs that are active against hepatitis B. See the NYSDOH AI guideline Prevention and Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Adults With HIV.
  3. In co-infected patients with HCV, attention should be paid to interactions between the planned ART and HCV therapy.


  1. For recommendations on initiating ART in pregnant women with HIV, refer to the DHHS Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States.
  2. Initial ART regimens for patients with chronic hepatitis B must include NRTIs that are active against hepatitis B. See the NYSDOH AI guideline Prevention and Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Adults With HIV.
  3. In co-infected patients with HCV, attention should be paid to interactions between the planned ART and HCV therapy.

Long-Term Nonprogressors and Elite Controllers

  • Long-term nonprogressors demonstrate a lack of disease progression, marked by no symptoms and low viral loads in the absence of therapy during long-term follow-up. Most published studies of long-term nonprogressors include 7-10 years of follow-up Casado, et al. 2010.
  • Elite controllers suppress HIV to low but detectable levels (<50-75 copies/mL) for many years Okulicz, et al. 2010.

The role of early ART initiation in long-term nonprogressors or elite controllers is unclear. At this time, there are not enough data to recommend for or against initiation of ART in long-term nonprogressors and elite controllers. Close monitoring of CD4 count and viral load level may be an acceptable approach. Declines in CD4 count should prompt consideration of initiation of ART. Elite controllers have demonstrated CD4 cell increases after initiation of ART Okulicz, et al. 2010. Another study found higher rates of hospitalizations in elite controllers compared to treatment suppressed patients, particularly for cardiovascular and psychiatric conditions Crowell, et al. 2015; however, there were important limitations in this analysis and it does not provide definitive evidence in favor of treating this rare population based on current information Karris and Haubrich 2015. The clinician and patient should discuss the current data on the risks and benefits of early ART as well as individual factors that may affect the decision to initiate, such as patient readiness and reluctance, adherence barriers, CD4 cell count and viral load, comorbidities, age, and partner serodiscordance. If treatment is delayed, clinicians should counsel patients about the risk of HIV transmission to partners.

Barriers to Adherence

Although the current first-line regimens used for ART are much easier to tolerate with fewer side effects than earlier combinations, they are not free of side effects (see the NYSDOH AI guideline Selecting an Initial ART Regimen > Available ART Regimens). Their use requires a lifelong commitment from the patient. Patients who prefer not to take medication, or who do not understand the significance of skipping doses, are at high risk for poor adherence and subsequent viral resistance. In patients with barriers to adherence, the risk of viral resistance and eventual treatment failure may outweigh any clinical benefit from earlier treatment Politch, et al. 2012. These patients should remain under particularly close observation for clinical and laboratory signs of disease progression Wallis, et al. 2012. ART should be initiated as soon as the patient seems prepared to adhere to a treatment regimen. When initiation of treatment is clinically urgent, such as for patients who are pregnant, have HIV-related malignancies, HIV-associated nephropathy, symptomatic HIV, older age, severe thrombocytopenia from HIV, chronic hepatitis, or advanced AIDS, it is appropriate to initiate ART even if some barriers to adherence are present. In these cases, referrals to specialized adherence programs should be made for intensified adherence support.

Barriers such as alcohol or drug use; lack of insurance, transportation, or housing; depression; mistrust of medical providers; or a poor social support system should not necessarily preclude rapid initiation of ART. The option of rapid initiation of ART should be offered to all individuals with HIV, except when medically contraindicated. Barriers to care can be addressed with appropriate counseling and support services. In some cases, patients will require ongoing attention and use of supportive services.

Patients With Acute Opportunistic Infections

In a randomized study, patients who initiated ART at a median of 12 days from the start of OI therapy had better outcomes, as measured by disease progression and death, without an increase in adverse events, compared to those who initiated ART at a median of 45 days from presentation Zolopa, et al. 2009. Although this study excluded patients with active TB, three randomized controlled trials in patients newly diagnosed with HIV and pulmonary TB have demonstrated a significant mortality benefit when ART was initiated during the first 2 months of starting anti-TB therapy and a further benefit when those who were severely immunocompromised initiated therapy in the first 2 weeks Abdool Karim, et al. 2011; Blanc, et al. 2011; Havlir, et al. 2011. Although antiretroviral agents and anti-TB medications can have overlapping toxicities, ART should be initiated within the first 8 to 12 weeks of starting anti-TB therapy. Patients with CD4 counts <50 cells/mm3 should receive ART within the first 2 weeks of initiating anti-TB therapy.

Tuberculous meningitis and cryptococcal meningitis are exceptions; there are data showing that early initiation of ART increases adverse events and mortality in this setting Lawn, et al. 2011; Torok, et al. 2011; NIAID 2012; Bisson, et al. 2013; Boulware, et al. 2014. Close attention should be paid to possible drug-drug interactions between OI therapy and ART. In some cases, determining the optimal timing for initiating ART in patients with OIs can be complex and may require consultation with a clinician with experience in management of ART in this context.

After initiating ART, clinicians need to be alert to the possibility of immune reconstitution syndromes as CD4 cell counts are restored (see the NYSDOH AI guideline Management of IRIS).

All Recommendations

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Lead authors: Asa Radix, MD, MPH, and Noga Shalev, MD, with the Medical Care Criteria Committee; updated August 11, 2022

Benefits and Risks of ART
  • Clinicians should recommend antiretroviral therapy to all patients with HIV infection. (A1)
Rationale for Rapid ART Initiation
  • Clinicians should recommend antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all patients with a diagnosis of HIV infection. (A1)
  • Clinicians should offer rapid initiation of ART—preferably on the same day (A1) or within 72 hours—to all individuals who are candidates for rapid ART initiation (see text) and who have:
    • A confirmed HIV diagnosis (A1), or
    • A reactive HIV screening result pending results of a confirmatory HIV test (A2), or
    • Suspected acute HIV infection, i.e., HIV antibody negative and HIV RNA positive (A2).
  • Clinicians should counsel patients with seronegative partners about the reduction of HIV transmission risk after effective ART is initiated and viral suppression is achieved, and should strongly recommend ART for patients with seronegative partners. (A1)
  • Clinicians should evaluate and prepare patients for ART initiation as soon as possible; completion of the following should not delay initiation:
    • Discuss benefits and risks of ART with the patient. (A3)
    • Assess patient readiness. (A3)
    • Identify and ameliorate factors that might interfere with successful adherence to treatment, including inadequate access to medication, inadequate supportive services, psychosocial factors, active substance use, or mental health disorders. (A2)
  • Clinicians should refer patients for supportive services as necessary to address modifiable barriers to adherence. An ongoing plan for coordination of care should be established. (A3)
  • Clinicians should involve patients in the decision-making process regarding initiation of ART and which regimen is most likely to result in adherence. The patient should make the final decision of whether and when to initiate ART. (A3)
  • If the patient understands the benefits of rapid initiation but declines ART, then initiation should be revisited as soon as possible.
  • In patients with advanced HIV (or AIDS), ART should be initiated even if barriers to adherence are present. In these cases, referrals to specialized adherence programs should be made for intensified adherence support. (A2)
  • After ART has been initiated, response to therapy should be monitored by, or in consultation with, a clinician with experience in managing ART. (A2)
Counseling and Patient Education
  • Counseling and education should include the following:
    • Basic education about HIV, CD4 cells, viral load, and resistance. (A3)
    • Available treatment options and potential risks and benefits of therapy (see text). (A3)
    • The need for strict adherence to avoid the development of viral drug resistance. (A2)
    • Use of safer-sex practices and avoidance of needle-sharing activity, regardless of viral load, to prevent HIV transmission or superinfection. (A3)
  • Clinicians should involve the patient in the decision-making process regarding initiation of ART. (A3)
Protocol for Rapid ART Initiation
  • To determine whether a patient is a candidate for rapid antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation, the clinician should confirm that the individual has any of the following (A1):
    • A reactive point-of-care HIV test result, or confirmed HIV diagnosis, or suspected acute HIV infection, or known HIV infection, and
    • No prior ART (i.e., treatment naive) or limited prior use of antiretroviral medications, and
    • No medical conditions or opportunistic infections that require deferral of rapid ART initiation, including suspected cryptococcal or tuberculous meningitis.
  • Clinicians should perform baseline laboratory testing listed in Box 2: Baseline Laboratory Testing Checklist for all patients who are initiating ART immediately; ART can be started while awaiting laboratory test results. (A3)
General Principles in Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation
  • Clinicians should involve their patients when deciding which antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen is most likely to result in adherence. (A3)
  • Before initiating ART, clinicians should:
    • Assess the patient’s prior use of antiretroviral medications, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), which may increase the risk for baseline resistance. (A2)
    • Assess for any comorbidities and chronic coadministered medications that may affect the choice of regimen for initial ART. (A2)
    • At the time of HIV diagnosis, obtain genotypic resistance testing for the protease (A2), reverse transcriptase (A2), and integrase (B2) genes.
    • Ask individuals of childbearing potential about the possibility of pregnancy, their reproductive plans, and their use of contraception. (A3)
  • For ART-naive patients, clinicians should select an initial ART regimen that is preferred; see Table 1: Preferred and Alternative Regimens for Rapid ART Initiation in Nonpregnant Adults. (A1)
  • Clinicians should reinforce medication adherence regularly. (A3)
  • Clinicians should obtain a viral load test 4 weeks after ART initiation to assess the response to therapy. (A3)
Long-Term Nonprogressors and Elite Controllers
  • Decisions to initiate ART in long-term nonprogressors (A2) and elite controllers (A3) should be individualized.
  • Clinicians should consult with a provider experienced in the management of ART when considering whether to initiate ART in long-term nonprogressors and elite controllers. (A3)
Patients With Acute Opportunistic Infections
  • Clinicians should recommend that patients beginning treatment for acute opportunistic infections (OIs) initiate ART within 2 weeks of OI diagnosis (see next recommendation for exceptions). (A1)
  • Clinicians should not immediately initiate ART in patients with tuberculous meningitis (TB) or cryptococcal meningitis. (A1)
  • Consultation with a clinician with experience in management of ART in the setting of acute OIs is recommended. (A3)
  • For all other manifestations of TB, clinicians should initiate ART in patients with HIV as follows:
    • For patients with CD4 counts ≥50 cells/mm3: as soon as they are tolerating anti-TB therapy and no later than 8 to 12 weeks after initiating anti-TB therapy. (A1)
    • For patients with CD4 counts <50 cells/mm3: within 2 weeks of initiating anti-TB therapy. (A1)
  1. For recommendations on initiating ART in pregnant women with HIV, refer to the DHHS Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States.
  2. Initial ART regimens for patients with chronic hepatitis B must include NRTIs that are active against hepatitis B. See the NYSDOH AI guideline Prevention and Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Adults With HIV.
  3. In co-infected patients with HCV, attention should be paid to interactions between the planned ART and HCV therapy.


  1. For recommendations on initiating ART in pregnant women with HIV, refer to the DHHS Recommendations for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs During Pregnancy and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States.
  2. Initial ART regimens for patients with chronic hepatitis B must include NRTIs that are active against hepatitis B. See the NYSDOH AI guideline Prevention and Management of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Adults With HIV.
  3. In co-infected patients with HCV, attention should be paid to interactions between the planned ART and HCV therapy.

All Good Practices

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Lead authors: Asa Radix, MD, MPH, and Noga Shalev, MD, with the Medical Care Criteria Committee; updated August 11, 2022


Protocol for Rapid ART Initiation

  • For patients with a reactive HIV antibody screening test that is pending confirmation, make sure the patient understands the benefits of rapid ART initiation and the following:
    1. Reactive screening test results are not formally diagnostic, because false-positive results are still possible;
    2. A confirmatory (diagnostic) HIV test will be performed;
    3. ART will be discontinued if the confirmatory test result is negative and continued if it is positive;
    4. The benefit of starting ART early, after a presumptive positive screening test, outweighs the negligible risk of taking ART for a few days and then stopping it if confirmed HIV negative.
  • Provide the result of the confirmatory HIV test as soon as it is available; discontinue ART if the result is negative and reinforce adherence and next steps if it is positive.
  • If a patient declines rapid ART initiation, discuss options for deferred initiation of ART, link the patient with HIV primary care, and outline next steps.

General Principles in Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation

  • Follow up within 24 to 48 hours, by telephone or another preferred method, with a patient who has initiated ART to assess medication tolerance and adherence.
  • If feasible, schedule an in-person visit for 7 days after ART initiation.

Guideline Information and Updates

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Guideline Information
Intended users NYS clinicians who are initiating ART at the time of HIV diagnosis in ART-naive adults
Last reviewed and updated August 11, 2022
Lead author(s)

Asa Radix, MD, MPH; Noga Shalev, MD

Original publication January 2020
Writing group


Medical Care Criteria Committee

Developer and funding

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute (NYSDOH AI)


See Guideline Development and Recommendation Ratings Scheme, below.


August 11, 2022

MCCC: The recommendation regarding discussion of the small risk of teratogenicity with DTG in the first trimester and the need for birth control while using DTG was removed. DTG has been shown to be safe throughout pregnancy. See the MCCC’s statement on Use of Dolutegravir in Individuals of Childbearing Capacity for further discussion.

October 08, 2021

  • New in the section General Principles in Choosing a Regimen for Rapid ART Initiation: The 2-drug ART regimen of dolutegravir/lamivudine (DTG/3TC) cannot be used for rapid ART because a baseline HIV genotypic resistance profile and hepatitis B virus status are required prior to prescription of this regimen (see the NYSDOH AI guideline Selecting an Initial ART Regimen for more information.) One alternative regimen (tenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine/cobicistat/darunavir [TAF/FTC/COBI/DRV]) has been studied formally in the setting of rapid ART initiation, in a phase 3, open-label, single-arm, prospective, multicenter study without the benefit of resistance testing, and produced high rates (96%) of viral suppression (HIV RNA <50 copies/mL) at 48 weeks.
  • Removed from the table of preferred and alternative regimens for rapid ARTTenofovir alafenamide/emtricitabine and raltegravir HD (TAF 25 mg/FTC and RAL HD; Descovy and Isentress HD)
Guideline Development: New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute Clinical Guidelines Program
Developer New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute (NYSDOH AI) Clinical Guidelines Program
Funding Source NYSDOH AI
Program Manager Clinical Guidelines Program, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases. See Program Leadership and Staff.
Mission To produce and disseminate evidence-based, state-of-the-art clinical practice guidelines that establish uniform standards of care for practitioners who provide prevention or treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, other sexually transmitted infections, and substance use disorders for adults throughout New York State in the wide array of settings in which those services are delivered.
Expert Committees The NYSDOH AI Medical Director invites and appoints committees of clinical and public health experts from throughout NYS to ensure that the guidelines are practical, immediately applicable, and meet the needs of care providers and stakeholders in all major regions of NYS, all relevant clinical practice settings, key NYS agencies, and community service organizations.

Committee Structure
  • Leadership: AI-appointed chair, vice chair(s), chair emeritus, clinical specialist(s), JHU Guidelines Program Director, AI Medical Director, AI Clinical Consultant, AVAC community advisor
  • Contributing members
  • Guideline writing groups: Lead author, coauthors if applicable, and all committee leaders
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure and Management
  • Annual disclosure of financial relationships with commercial entities for the 12 months prior and upcoming is required of all individuals who work with the guidelines program, and includes disclosure for partners or spouses and primary professional affiliation.
  • The NYSDOH AI assesses all reported financial relationships to determine the potential for undue influence on guideline recommendations and, when indicated, denies participation in the program or formulates a plan to manage potential conflicts.
  • Disclosures are listed for each committee member.
Evidence Collection and Review
  • Literature search and review strategy is defined by the guideline lead author based on the defined scope of a new guideline or update.
  • A comprehensive literature search and review is conducted for a new guideline or an extensive update using PubMed, other pertinent databases of peer-reviewed literature, and relevant conference abstracts to establish the evidence base for guideline recommendations.
  • A targeted search and review to identify recently published evidence is conducted for guidelines published within the previous 3 years.
  • Title, abstract, and article reviews are performed by the lead author. The JHU editorial team collates evidence and creates and maintains an evidence table for each guideline.
Recommendation Development
  • The lead author drafts recommendations to address the defined scope of the guideline based on available published data.
  • Writing group members review the draft recommendations and evidence and deliberate to revise, refine, and reach consensus on all recommendations.
  • When published data are not available, support for a recommendation may be based on the committee’s expert opinion.
  • The writing group assigns a 2-part rating to each recommendation to indicate the strength of the recommendation and quality of the supporting evidence. The group reviews the evidence, deliberates, and may revise recommendations when required to reach consensus.
Review and Approval Process
  • Following writing group approval, draft guidelines are reviewed by all contributors, program liaisons, and a volunteer reviewer from the AI Community Advisory Committee.
  • Recommendations must be approved by two-thirds of the full committee. If necessary to achieve consensus, the full committee is invited to deliberate, review the evidence, and revise recommendations when required.
  • Final approval by the committee chair and the NYSDOH AI Medical Director is required for publication.
External Reviewers
  • External peer reviewers recognized for their experience and expertise review guidelines for accuracy, balance, clarity, and practicality and provide feedback.
  • Peer reviewers may include nationally known experts from outside of New York State.
Update Process
  • JHU editorial staff ensure that each guideline is reviewed and determined to be current upon the 3-year anniversary of publication; guidelines that provide clinical recommendations in rapidly changing areas of practice may be reviewed annually. Published literature is surveilled to identify new evidence that may prompt changes to existing recommendations or development of new recommendations.
  • If changes in the standard of care, newly published studies, new drug approval, new drug-related warning, or a public health emergency indicate the need for immediate change to published guidelines, committee leadership will make recommendations and immediate updates.
  • All contributing committee members review and approve substantive changes to, additions to, or deletions of recommendations; JHU editorial staff track, summarize, and publish ongoing guideline changes.
Recommendation Ratings Scheme
Strength Quality of Evidence
Rating Definition Rating Definition
A Strong 1 Based on published results of at least 1 randomized clinical trial with clinical outcomes or validated laboratory endpoints.
B Moderate * Based on either a self-evident conclusion; conclusive, published, in vitro data; or well-established practice that cannot be tested because ethics would preclude a clinical trial.
C Optional 2 Based on published results of at least 1 well-designed, nonrandomized clinical trial or observational cohort study with long-term clinical outcomes.
2† Extrapolated from published results of well-designed studies (including nonrandomized clinical trials) conducted in populations other than those specifically addressed by a recommendation. The source(s) of the extrapolated evidence and the rationale for the extrapolation are provided in the guideline text. One example would be results of studies conducted predominantly in a subpopulation (e.g., one gender) that the committee determines to be generalizable to the population under consideration in the guideline.
3 Based on committee expert opinion, with rationale provided in the guideline text.


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